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Angelic Warlord Album Of The Year: 2006 - 2020

I cannot think of a better manner to celebrate the Angelic Warlord 15th anniversary than to list what in my opinion is the top album released each of the past fifteen years.  Of course, in being objective and subjective, any such list is dependent on not just the Angelic Warlord style guidelines but also the personal musical tastes of the author for better or worse either way.  In other words, if you ask ten people to put together their own list, each one would look different!  So please do not take it personal if I overlook your favorite album from a given year.

Please note that I broke down each year between the number one album in question along with three honorable mentions, one or more notable re-issues and a single ‘overlooked gem’.  Former two are self-explanatory, while latter is to give recognition to an album that despite not being album of the year quality (no shame in that) otherwise is a distinguished release that might have fallen beneath the radar or did not receive the acclaim it deserved.

So what are my thoughts in regards to the Christian hard music scene the past fifteen years?

First, the ongoing impact of classic bands from the eighties, many whom are still around and making music or at the very least recorded one comeback album.  Stalwarts such as Bride, Deliverance, Saint and Stryper have remained active with multiple albums recorded (several being album of the year recipients), while Bloodgood, Sacred Warrior, Trytan and X-Sinner each released a single album.

Second, the high volume and quality to re-issues.  What started as a trickle (in terms of a small handful of re-issues each year) turned into a literal flood in that Girder, Retroactive and Roxx Records all have re-issued numerous classic albums to originally see release the past four decades- and not just on CD but also vinyl.  Quality to re-mastering and packaging has never been higher.

Third, the influence of independent artists continues to grow.  Of course, independent music has always been part of the scene - noting the plethora of eighties custom cassette demo releases - but modern recording technology (home recording studio if you will) has allowed independent artists to thrive from an innovative and creative standpoint they might not have in previous eras if under the restrictive thumb of a recording label.

Before moving on to the album of the year list, I would first like to thank both the Angelic Warlord readers in addition to the labels, distributors, bands and artists, all of which without whose support the past fifteen years the site would not have achieved the lasting success it has.

Andrew Rockwell
Angelic Warlord
June 20, 2021


Saint - The Mark

SAINT - The Mark

When inquired, Saint devotees often point towards classic eighties releases Time’s End and Too Late For Living as the Salem, Oregon based traditional metal acts best albums.  No doubt exemplary choices either way, but I gravitate to 2006 fifth Saint album The Mark in light of its conceptual themes (drawing upon the Book of Revelation) and near perfect track listing to capture the dramatic motif of the subject in question (Saint’s best group of songs in my opinion).  It also does not hurt The Mark is a true full-length effort in featuring 12 songs, as opposed to many Saint albums to average around nine instead.  Of equal merit is how The Mark features three-fourths of the talented lineup that recorded Too Late For Living in vocalist Josh Kramer, bassist Richard Lynch and guitarist Dee Harrington.
In 2011, The Mark was re-titled The Revelation and re-issued by Retroactive Records with new cover art (in the digi-pak format) subsequent to being re-mixed and re-mastered for improved sound quality.

Honorable Mentions: NARNIA - Enter The Gate, PYRAMAZE - Legend Of The Bone Carver, PROTO-KAW - The Wait Of Glory

Overlooked Gem: FALL OF ECHOES - Red Tree

Re-issue Of The Year: X-SINNER - Loud & Proud + 2 (Retroactive Records)


Neal Morse - Sola Scriptura

NEAL MORSE - Sola Scriptura
Radiant Records

Speaking of concept releases, aptly named ‘king of progressive rock’ Neal Morse delivers perhaps his finest work in his sixth solo album Sola Scriptura.  Theme this time bases around the reformer Martin Luther, whom gained renown for nailing his 95 Thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg.  Specifically, the album reinforces how “Sola Scriptura”, the assertion that “scripture alone” is the primary and absolute source of authority and how the Bible is infallible, is a foundational doctrinal principal of the Protestant Reformation upheld by Luther.  Sola Scriptura also highlights some of Morse’s heaviest musical moments, which attribute to guest guitarist Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big, Racer X), in addition to his emphasis on ‘mega epics’ - noting artists penchant for composing songs in excess of 20 minutes that break down into multiple parts - in featuring 75 minutes of music but just four songs.

Other recommended concept albums from Morse include his 2005 solo release One to detail man’s separation from God and how, through the salvation experience, man can become ‘One’ with God again.  Question Mark from 2006 centers around the Tabernacle that Moses and the Israelites built in the wilderness and later built by Solomon based on the same design that came directly from God.  Testimony (2003) and Testimony 2 (2011) make the artist’s life and ultimate spiritual transformation the focal point.

Terms such as ‘best’ and ‘finest’ are open to debate but potentially apply to Morse, who in addition to being an album of the year recipient is also a three-time honorable mention.

Honorable Mentions: THRESHOLD - Dead Reckoning, AMARAN’S PLIGHT - Voice In The Light, VENI DOMINE – Tongues

Overlooked Gem: SACRECY - Sacrecy

Re-issue Of The Year: SEVENTH SEAL - Messengers Of Love (Retroactive Records)


Driver - Sons Of Thunder

DRIVER - Sons Of Thunder
Metal Heaven

Renowned vocalist Rob Rock and veteran guitarist Roy Z reunite to re-record the acclaimed six song custom cassette demo the two released as part of Driver (with bassist Emil Lech-Brando, keyboardist Greg Schultz, and drummer Butch Carlson) in 1989.  Throw in new versions to several unreleased songs from back in the day and several new songs to turn Sons Of Thunder into a full-length release, and the picture is complete.  Gist is exemplary eighties melodic metal found in a choice sampling of catchy hard rockers and commercial ballads that have ‘radio hit’ written all over them.  Hence, manner in which I find myself returning to Sons Of Thunder on a routine basis, and how it edged out some very tough competition to receive album of the year accolades (noting honorable mentions below).  The 95% Angelic Warlord review sums up best when suggesting ‘it is the crime of the century that Driver never signed a deal back in the day’.  Only thing remaining is to re-master and re-issue the original Driver demo from back in the day!

Note how Rob Rock potentially challenges Neal Morse for acclaim when factoring two album of the year awards (with Driver and Impellitteri) and one honorable mention (Impellitteri).

Honorable Mentions: MENCHEN - Red Rock, THIEVES & LIARS - When Dreams Become Reality, THEOCRACY - Mirror Of Souls

Overlooked Gem: SORROWS JOY - Fallow Ground

Re-issue Of The Year: SCARLET RAYNE - Theater Humanitarian (Arkeyn Steel Records)


Jacobs Dream - Beneath The Shadows

JACOBS DREAM - Beneath The Shadows
Retroactive Records

Jacobs Dream fourth album and magnum opus Beneath The Shadows continues in the Columbus, Ohio based groups US power metal direction but also more melodic in comparison to previous releases.  If anything, it is the most ‘song orientated’ album from the group in that ‘each of (its) tracks brings the type of gripping presence - in the form of a pronounced chorus hook or notable melody - that would allow it to hold up under repeated play’ (quoting the 95% Angelic Warlord review).  Gist holding everything together is front man Chaz Bond, whom can transition between clean but lower register singing and thrash like aggression bordering on the extreme.  Added value comes in the form of a concept based upon an individual struggling with addiction but who in the end finds redemption.

Honorable Mentions: HALYCON WAY - Building The Towers, IMPELLITTERI - Wicked Maiden, ORPHAN PROJECT - Spooning Out The Sea

Overlooked Gem: F.O.G. - Judgement & Redemption

Re-issue Of The Year: MASTEDON - It’s A Jungle Out There (Frontiers Records)


Various Artists - Temporary Insanity: A Salute to Deliverance

VARIOUS ARTISTS - Temporary Insanity: A Salute To Deliverance
Roxx Records

I hesitate to add a compilation album to a ‘best of’ list, but I am making exception for Deliverance tribute album Temporary Insanity: A Salute To Deliverance.  Recorded in celebration of Deliverance’s twenty-fifth anniversary and originating at the Christian Metal Realm forum in 2009, Temporary Insanity compiles 30 re-recorded Deliverance songs broken down over two CD’s in featuring a variety of artists, some well known (Faith Factor, The Sacrificed) and not so well known (Whisper From Heaven, Crucible Divine).  Every bit much diversity from a musical standpoint, ranging from Deliverance style speed metal and thrash to melodic metal, straightforward hard rock, power metal, modern rock, classic metal, Gothic/industrial metal and even techno/keyboard driven rock.  Rounding things out are two songs re-recorded by Deliverance in “Flesh & Blood” and “In U” in addition to a previously unreleased cover of the Vector classic “The Hunger And The Thirst” (off Mannequin Virtue from 1983).

Honorable Mentions: DARKWATER - Where Stories End, JERUSALEM - She, THE SACRIFICED – 2012

Overlooked Gem: PILGRIMSPROG - Pilgrimsprog

Re-issue Of The Year: BRIDE - Show No Mercy, Live To Die & Silence Is Madness (all Retroactive Records)


Theocracy - As The World Bleeds

THEOCRACY - As The World Bleeds
Ulterium Records

Theocracy, a band renown for not having recorded a single filler track despite being four albums into its career, potentially hit its creative stride on third album As The World Bleeds.  Album plays up the Athens, Georgia based groups ‘epic melodic power metal with progressive overtones’ based sound and takes it to the next level in terms of catchy melodies, epic arrangements, multi-layered vocal melodies and intricate songwriting to go in hand.  End-result is a near perfect record from a talented band peaking at just the right moment.  Founding member and vocalist/rhythm guitarist Matt Smith sums up best when he suggests, ‘When you're dealing with the most powerful and serious subject matter in existence, you can't back it up with weak music- it just doesn't work’.  Opening eleven-minute epic “I Am” challenges for song of the year.

One album of the year award and two honorable mentions puts Theocracy in the running alongside Neal Morse and Rob Rock.

Honorable Mentions: IMAGES OF EDEN - Rebuilding The Ruins, LANCE KING - A Moment In Chiros, SAREPTA - Smokin’ Vinyard

Overlooked Gem: FG - Battle For Souls

Re-issues Of The Year: KANSAS - Vinyl Confessions & Drastic Measures (Rock Candy Records)


Affector - Harmageddon

AFFECTOR - Harmageddon
Inside Out Music

Affector debut Harmageddon is lone star to shine bright in what amounts (at time of its release) a meager and non-productive Christian progressive metal scene.  Yes, other Christian progressive metal bands of the time, including but not limited to Pursuit, Revelation Project and Timesword, are good but Affector takes it to the next level in bringing the licks and chops - not to mention setting Biblical text to heavy progressive based music - to compete with the Dream Theater’s of the world.  No doubt, talents plays a crucial role in this regard as an international project of German guitarist Daniel Fries, whom recruited US based vocalist Ted Leonard (Enchant) and bassist Mike LePond (Symphony X) in addition to Dutch drummer Collin Leijenaar (Neal Morse). 

Of note is how Harmageddon is one of only two albums at Angelic Warlord to receive a perfect 100% score, with Kerry Livgren’s 1980 solo album Seeds Of Change the other.  I hesitate to give out perfect scores in that I do not wish to gain reputation as the ‘Monty Hall’ of the music review world, but I also feel that Harmageddon proved such a groundbreaking release within Christian progressive metal circles that it deserves the accolades and then some. 

To be completely fair, the Christian progressive metal scene has picked up in years subsequent to the release of Harmageddon in light of strong albums from Biogenesis (A Decadence Divine) and Trytan (Blood Of Kings) from 2017 and 2021, respectively.

Honorable Mentions: JOSHUA PERAHIA - Resurrection, ATKINS MAY PROJECT - Valley Of Shadows, THE SACRIFICED – III

Overlooked Gem: ALLOS - Spiritual Battle

Re-issue Of The Year: BATTALION - Runaway (Arkeyn Steel Records)


Stryper - No More Hell To Pay

STRYPER - No More Hell To Pay
Frontiers Music

Eighth Stryper album No More Hell To Pay presents with unrivaled consistency and continuity, at least in comparison to prime eighties releases (1985) and To Hell With The Devil (1986), which despite being revered as classics - and deservedly so! - come across a bit uneven for my taste.  Not so No More Hell To Pay in revealing a musical maturity to find no skip buttons among its twelve tracks (and hearkening back to the consistency of 1990’s Against The Law in the process) not to mention continuity found in pointing towards the heavier side to Stryper’s songwriting.   As reinforced in the 95% Angelic Warlord review: ‘No More Hell To Pay proves that when Stryper plays to its strengths, there are few better at producing eighties influenced melodic metal and hard rock.’

No More Hell To Pay serves to provide impetus for other high quality Stryper comeback albums to fallow in Fallen, God Damn Evil and Even The Devil Believes, of which two receive honorable mention considerations.

Honorable Mentions: WARLORD - The Holy Empire, ABSOLON - Darkness Rising, SONIC DIVIDE - Sonic Divide

Overlooked Gem: VISUAL CLIFF - Out Of The Archives & Between Two Kingdoms

Re-issue Of The Year: LORDIAN GUARD - Anthology (No Remorse)


Harmony - Theatre of Redemption

HARMONY - Theatre Of Redemption
Ulterium Records

Whereas first two Harmony albums Dreaming Awake (2003) and Chapter II: Aftermath (2008) are solid as it gets, third full length Theatre Of Redemption finds the based melodic power metal act coming into its own to create its finest work to date.  That said album presents with change in the form of a revamped lineup to include AOR tinged vocalist Daniel Heiman (Lost Horizon) and trending towards a more airy and sublime musical direction to reveal a darker and moodier side to the group.  Best manner to summarize would be to state, ‘everything that Dreaming Awake and Aftermath hinted at (both fine albums in their own right), Theatre Of Redemption builds upon and takes to the next level (quoting the 95% Angelic Warlord review).

Honorable Mentions: TERAMAZE - Esoteric Symbolism, VENI DOMINE - Light, JUPITER VI - Movable Walls

Overlooked Gem: RAZORIGAMI - Truths From Beyond The Machine

Re-issue Of The Year: TAKER - It Is Finished: The Complete Anthology (Roxx Records)


LEAH - Kings & Queens

LEAH - Kings & Queens
Inner Wound Recordings

Vancouver, British Columbia songstress and vocalists Leah McHenry (better known as LEAH) specializes in ‘seraphic melody and symphonic metal, steeped in Celtic influences’ (as taken from the artists press material) on her 2012 debut full length Of Earth And Angels and 2013 EP Otherworld (both Independent).  Later signing with Inner Wound Recordings, LEAH followed up with magnum opus Kings & Queens to see her continue to coalesce, ‘Celtic and World music influences with a symphonic metal basis but also branching out by taking the overall heavier and more progressive heading’.  Putting the album over the top are artists ‘choice compositional skills’ and ‘ability to compose a great song’ (drawing upon the 95% Angelic Warlord review either way) not to mention acclaimed guest musicians to appear in guitarist Timo Somers and drummer Sander Zoer (both Delain) and bassist Barend Courbois (Blind Guardian).

Honorable Mentions: STRYPER - Fallen, W.A.S.P. - Golgotha, DEF ENEMY - Unmovable

Overlooked Gem: WALES ROAD - Wounds & Whispers

Re-issue Of The Year: WHITECROSS - Nineteen Eighty Seven (Gold Edition) (Retroactive Records)


Oblivion Myth - Inside The Mirror

OBLIVION MYTH - Inside The Mirror

Oblivion Myth breaks from the pack with the traditional metal mixed with power metal of its independent sophomore offering Inside The Mirror.  A group whose motto is ‘Eternity is real, Oblivion is just a Myth’, Oblivion Myth reaches its peak form on Inside The Mirror with songwriting reinforced by meaty hooks and immediately recognizable melodies, while accomplished lead vocals, proficient musicianship and professional production provide further value.  A significant accomplishment as the second of three independent bands to make the list, Oblivion Myth beat out some VERY tough competition in The Neal Morse Band, Theocracy and Michael Sweet to take top spot honors.

Also highly valued is third album In Your Arms, a 2020 honorable mention.

Honorable Mentions: THE NEAL MORSE BAND - The Similitude Of A Dream, THEOCACY - Ghost Ship, MICHAEL SWEET - One Sided War

Overlooked Gem: BIG CHRIS & D’BARE BONES BAND - When Your Time Comes

Re-issue Of The Year: LEVITICUS - 35 Years Anniversary: In His Service (5 CD Box Set)


Enzo & The Glory Ensemble - In The Name Of The Son

Underground Symphony Records

Metal opera sophomore album of baritone vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Enzo Donnarumma specializes in power and progressive metal blended with nuances of classical music, symphonic & art rock, theatrical soundtrack, New Age and World & Ethnic Music while lyrically drawing heavily upon scripture.  As with 2015 debut In The Name Of The Father, a plethora of guest musicians and vocalists appear, including Marty Friedman (ex-Megadeth), Kobi Farhi (Orphaned Land), Ralph Scheepers (Primal Fear), Mark Zonder (Fates Warning & Warlord), Gary Wehrkamp (Shadow Gallery), Brian Ashland (Shadow Gallery), Nicholas Leptos (Warlord) and others.  In The Name Of The Son potentially adds up to a demanding listen (in a positive sense) when factoring the plethora of differing styles, but it is also a rewarding one when factoring the detail and layered depth both musically and lyrically.

Honorable Mentions: BIOGENESIS - A Decadence Divine, REVOLUTION SAINTS - Light Into Dark, WITHIN SILENCE - Return From The Shadows

Overlooked Gem: NOZANOPRA - Peace In Our Hearts

Re-issues Of The Year: BARNABAS - Approaching Light Speed & Feel The Fire (Retroactive), RESURRECTION BAND - Colours & Mommy Don’t Love Daddy Anymore (Retroactive), XALT - Dark War (Retroactive Records)


Impellitteri - Nature Of The Beast

IMPELLITTERI - Nature Of The Beast
Frontiers Music

Impeccable team of guitar virtuoso Chris Impellitteri and vocalist extraordinaire Rob Rock combine for perhaps a career defining musical statement on eighth full length Impellitteri album Nature Of The Beast.  Continuing to meld melodic metal with straightforward heavy metal, Impellitteri branches out on Nature Of The Beast with a couple speed metal tracks hearkening back to 2015’s Venom in addition to some of its darkest and most creative material to date in stand out cuts  
“Run For Your Life”, “Do You Think I’m Mad” and “Kill The Beast”.  Rounding things out are a very capable covers of “Phantom Of The Opera” and “Symptoms Of The Universe” (Black Sabbath).

The 95% Angelic Warlord review sums things up succinctly: ‘In my opinion, The Nature Of The Beast is the best Impellitteri album since 1994 magnum opus Answer To The Master.  On a comparative basis, I rate it slightly ahead of other primes 90’s releases Screaming Symphony and Eye Of The Hurricane as well as notable turn of the century albums Crunch and Wicked Maiden.’

Honorable Mentions: IMAGES OF EDEN - Soulrise, VISUAL CLIFF - Refuge, JIMMY P. BROWN II – Eraserhead

Overlooked Gem: KDB3 - I Fill My Days With Noise

Re-issues Of The Year: MALACHIA - Red Sunrise (The Complete Anthology) (Roxx Records), REVELATION - Spiritual Wind (Thrashback Records), SOLDIER - Babylon & Beyond: 30th Anniversary Edition (Roxx Records)


Narnia - From Darkness To Light

NARNIA - From Darkness To Light

Those whom have followed Sweden’s Narnia throughout the course of its career (including this reviewer) know the Carl Johan Grimmark (guitars) and Christian Liljegren (vocalist) founded group has released its share of quality material.  Yet, on eighth studio albums (and seventh with Liljegren) From Darkness To Light, Narnia has ‘(taken) up the challenge and pushed (its’) creative boundaries’ in producing a work ‘(encompassing) one great song after another’ that ‘more than (reaches if not exceeds) the standards of its well regarded back catalog. (quoting the 95% Angelic Warlord, respectively).  Musically, it maintains the Narnia neo-classical influenced melodic metal penchant but with strong nuances of power and progressive metal.

Honorable Mentions: NEAL MORSE - Jesus Christ - The Exorcist, LOVEWAR - Lovewar, THE NEAL MORSE BAND - The Great Adventure

Overlooked Gem: TRUE STRENGTH - Sanguinary Vivification

Re-issues Of The Year: LES CARLSEN - 1971 (Girder Music), DELIVERANCE - Greeting Of Death (Retroactive Records), Traxter - Rock N’ Race (Roxx Records),


Bride - Here Is Your God

BRIDE - Here Is Your God
Retroactive Records

With a musical history tracing to the early eighties, Christian metal and hard rock veterans Bride over the years delivered a certain element of musical variety, ranging from the straight on metal to its eighties flagship releases to the blues influenced hard rock of the early nineties.  Sixteenth studio album Here Is Your God finds founding members Dale (vocals) and Troy (guitars) Thompson taking the next logical musical step in follow up to hard rock tinged 2018 offering Snake Eyes and matching it with some of the heavier metal driven moments since 2006’s Skin For SkinHere Is Your God accordingly presents with such a wealth of quality material to potentially challenge reversed classics such as Kinetic Faith (1991) and Snakes In The Playground (1992) as Bride’s best.

Honorable Mentions: STRYPER - Even The Devil Believes, MESSENGER - In To Win, OBLIVION MYTH - In Your Arms

Overlooked Gem: SOMBRE HOLIDAY - The Failed Sun

Re-issues Of The Year: BRIDE - Drop (Girder Music), PARADOX - Ruler & Power & Glory (Retroactive Records), DIE HAPPY - Die Happy & Volume II (Roxx Records)


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