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Battlecry - Red, White And Blue And Beyond
Musical Style: AOR/Melodic Hard Rock Produced By: Randy Bluer
Record Label: Roxx Records Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 2024 Artist Website:
Tracks: 17 Rating: No Quote
Running Time: 76:19

Battlecry - Red, White & Blue & Beyond

The 1985 GreenWorld Records six-song debut EP Red, White And Blue from Battlecry is an AORphiles delight.  The Southern California based five piece traces to 1984 and founding member and vocalist/guitarist Doug Morris, whom recruited second guitarist Robert Kirk Giverink, bassist Ronald Simmons, drummer Bret Kik, and keyboardist Mariko Martinez to round out the groups initial lineup.  With its name drawing upon Isaiah 42:13 (‘The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies’), Battlecry shortly started work on new material prior to heading into Songwriters Dream Studios in Los Angeles.  Whereas initially released on vinyl, Red, White And Blue saw a cassette only release in 1986 (also GreenWorld) with four live bonus tracks featuring new vocalist Dave Chumchal.

In either version Red, White And Blue soon went out of print and turned into a hard to find collectors item.  Enter Roxx Records, whom in June of 2024 re-mastered (courtesy of Rob Colwell of Bombworks Sound) and re-issued Red, White And Blue under the new title Red, White And Blue And Beyond.  “Beyond’ referring to not just the six original EP cuts and four live bonus tracks but also seven previously unreleased demo songs from the bands personal archives.  Lending further value is a multi-page mini booklet (noting the work of Scott Waters of No Life Til Metal Graphics) encompassing lyrics in an easy to read font, detailed liner notes, vintage band photos and extensive interview with surviving members of the band.
Red, White And Blue

Battlecry checks all the AOR and melodic rock boxes in the form of soaring lead vocals, commercial melodies of a radio friendly nature, essential but not overriding keyboards and rhythm guitar to taste.  Upshot is a work in Red, White And Blue I see appealing to fans of Survivor, Foreigner and Journey not to mention Petra, Sweet Crystal and White Heart.  Albums opening title track shines in this capacity, an up-tempo melodic hard rocker in which bristling rhythm guitar and pristine keyboards align to speak of the elevated.  Morris shines with his pure, classic tenor vocal abilities.

In an equally heavy vein is “Not Tough Enough”, lightly progressive with its transitioning between darker moments emboldened by stark keyboards and others brightly flowing in vibrant fashion, and “You’ve Got To Know”, albums lengthiest at six minutes in highlighting Southern influenced guitar harmonies and acoustic lacings alongside layered vocal melodies.  The two allow Givernik to showcase his intense lead guitar work.

Taking a pop heading is “When The Lord Comes Back” with a decided mix of keyboards, piano and clapping hands pointing to the radio friendly.  Speaking of which, the song went on to land in the top-40 on Orange Country’s largest Christian rock station, KYMS.  Maintaining the pop sensibilities is “Life With The Lord” in light of its polished but expeditious form in which Simmons’ bass commands the tempered verse sections and chanted backing vocals the flowing refrain, and “Power And Might” to see Keys standout with his opening drum solo and bouncing cowbell throughout.

Live Bootleg Cassette

The live tracks include two songs from Red, White And Blue and two previously unreleased.  In terms of former, “Red, White And Blue” and “Not Tough Enough” bring a rawer if not heavier edge with guitars more forthright and elevated band energy accordingly.  Keyboards are not quite as prominent on “Red, White And Blue” compared to the studio version, albeit it extend close to five minutes with an added instrumental run.  The swarthy keyboards on “Not Tough Enough” further stand out in a live setting and help it leave a more ominous impression in the process.  

From standpoint of latter, group’s signature song “Battlecry” is a hard rock, spiritual warfare battle anthem with the pulsing bass and driving guitars to go in hand.  It is by far the heaviest effort from Battlecry.  Likewise, “Back To The Rock” represents a heavy-duty rocker highlighting equal parts catchy hooks and vibrant disposition inherent to the bands live sound.  A cool mid-point instrumental interlude home to fitting bass, guitar and synthesizer solos helps extend it to six minutes.

New vocalist Dave Chumchal brings a classic tenor vocal style not unlike Morris but with an added element of grit hinting of Soldier front man Jimmy Arceneaux, which means he is very good!

Unreleased Demos

As one might expect, the demo material has some rough production edges compared to the EP but otherwise is clean and listenable.  With exception of the female backing vocals on “When The Lord Comes Back”, there is little marked difference between the songs recorded for both Red, White And Blue and demo to also include “Red, White & Blue” and “Power And Might”.  Hence, we are going to focus on the unique demo cuts.

My favorite is “The Dream (Too Late)”, a drifting, ethereal piece in which haunting guitar harmonies and distant acoustic lacings reinforce a melody of an immediately recognizable nature.  If it along with studio versions to “Battlecry” and “Back To The Rock” had been added to Red, White And Blue to turn it into a full length release, we would have the near perfect track listing.

I also take to “Brother You Can’t”, a boogie flavored groove-rocker home to rousing guitar and harmonica solos along with a message how you ‘Can’t get to heaven / You can’t make it there on your own / The grace of God will get you there, but that grace is not alone / It takes a little faith in God by believing in His Son’.  In similar vein is “Something For You but with rollicking piano and heavier rocking guitar nuances.

Finally, “Praise The Lord” is a six minute live worship rocker to feature plenty of interplay between the band and audience and all the instrumental jam moments you could ask to feature complementary bass, guitar and harmonica solos.  It would fit in perfectly with the Live Bootleg Cassette tracks.


Battlecry has a great deal to offer not just AOR and melodic rock devotees but also those into commercial hard rock and even eighties melodic metal.  I never had opportunity to hear Red, White And Blue back in the day but attest to the quality of songwriting, vocals and musicianship.  I wish Battlecry signed with a major label and given opportunity to record a full-length album (or two) in follow up.  Its ceiling for potential is near unlimited.  Give credit Roxx Records for not only making Red, White And Blue available for first time on CD but also including the live bootleg tracks and previously unreleased demo cuts.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing (Red, White And Blue): “Red White And Blue” (4:41), “When The Lord Comes Back” (4:02), “Life With The Lord” (4:02), “Not Tough Enough” (5:02), “Power And Might” (3:10), “You’ve Got To Know” (5:46)

Track Listing (Live Bootleg Cassette): “Red, White And Blue” (4:57), “Battlecry” (3:46), “Not Tough Enough” (5:01), “Back To The Rock” (5:43),

Track Listing (Demo): “When The Lord Comes Back” (4:07), “Red, White And Blue” (4:35), “The Dream (Too Late) (5:12), “Power And Might” (3:20), “Brother You Can’t” (3:54), “Praise The Lord” (5:55), “Something For You” (3:05)

Doug Morris - Lead Vocals, Harmonica & Guitar
Mariko Giverink - Keyboards & Background Vocals
Robert Kirk Giverink - Lead Guitar & Background Vocals
Ronald P. Simmons - Bass
Bret Keys - Drums
Dave Chumchal - Lead Vocals, Keyboards & Guitars


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