Reviews: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Christillow - Standing In The Rain & Finale
Musical Style: Melodic Hard Rock Produced By:
Record Label: Heaven & Hell Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 2023 Artist Website:
Tracks: 9 / 10 Rating: 75% / 85%
Running Time:

Remember eighties melodic metal and hard rock?  It’s not dead yet, though you’d be forgiven for thinking so from listening to FM radio the past several decades.  With modern rock, modern metal and scream-o bands dominating the airwaves, record labels (for the most part) have given up on melodic rock, AOR, glam metal, pop metal and the like.  Not so Heaven & Hell Records, whom in 2016 re-mastered and re-issued the ‘eighties mainstream hard rock’ to the self-titled 1988 self-released full length debut of Christillow under the new title Standing In The Rain.  Fast forward to July of 2023 and the groups aptly titled final album Finale is also released via Heaven & Hell (alongside a second pressing of Standing In The Rain) to include 13 previously unreleased songs recorded in the early 90’s with multiple studios and engineers involved.   

Finale encompasses three songs recorded at the request of a major label but due to changes in the industry never saw release, four songs written and recorded for the film industry and two consisting of a demo and partially completed (until now) acoustic ballad.  Finale also consists of the Encore EP to include alternate versions to four songs from Finale.  Added bonus comes in the form of a 12-page booklet with lyrics.  Standing In The Rain features an 8-page booklet with lyrics and never before seen photos.

Christillow traces to 1988 when it was formed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania by vocalist Michael James Christillow, guitarist Kenne Mettler, bassist Jessy Marks, drummer Rod Taken, and keyboards David Guistwhite.  The group generated a following from playing the circuit up and down the East Coast while sharing bills with well-known bands such as Trixter, Loudness and others.  Despite radio interviews, airplay and magazine coverage, Christillow never signed a deal despite major label attention.  As with many, Christillow stuck to its musical guns, but by the early nineties called it a day as a result of industry change to a modern direction that left little if any room for metal and hard rock.

Whereas I hesitate to label Christillow a Christan band, it includes two believing members in vocalist Michael James Christillow and guitarist Kenne Mettler.  Lyrics accordingly are positive in dealing with life, relationships and current events from a positive standpoint.

Standing In The Rain

Christillow - Standing In The Rain

Standing In The Rain does a choice job representing the Christillow melodic metal and hard rock tinted with AOR sound.  Other reviews that mention Bon Jovi, Slaughter, Dokken and Fifth Angel as points of reference have the right idea, although in my opinion Stryper, Holy Soldier, Angelica and Guardian deserve equal consideration.

“Turn Me Loose Tonight” makes a fantastic album opener from highlighting all that works with Christillow: metallic guitars, Michael Christillow’s soulful classic tenor vocals, searing leads and all the unremitting hooks you could ask.  That said, if some production misgivings are apparent, it is fair to point out how Standing In The Rain is a self-financed release recording using late eighties studio technology.

In similar vein and equally laudable is albums title track, a short but punchy up-tempo hard rocker with an anthem like refrain, and “What Goes Around”, an expeditious number in which exultant energy a non-stop hooks do not let up its span.  Inherent to the two is the standout (and quite fleet!) guitar leads of Kenne Mettler.

My favorite includes “Forever Gone”, a forward thinking melodic metal cut to see swirling keyboards, crisp guitars and bouncing tom toms coalesce in catchy fashion.  The guitar work reminds of David Zaffiro (Bloogood).  I hold in equal regard the “The Climb” in which keyboards and gang shouted backing vocals combine for an AOR meets melodic hard rock heading.  I cannot help but be reminded of Guardian.

Christillow deserves commendation for exploring its acoustic side beginning with minute and a half instrumental “Heavens Gate”, which segues to “Little Angel Girl”, a classy acoustic and piano ballad in which rhythm guitar makes periodic appearance for a heavier rocking statement.  Likewise, I take to acoustic pieces “All I Want” and “Streets”, whom bring darker and moodier sheens with haunting (and quite convincing) melodies that point to Bloodgood.

Lone song in which I pass is “Love Me Tonight”, which on the surface is not bad as a boogie flavored and piano driven rocker with a Bon Jovi-ish edge.  That said, the voice over at the two-minute mark in which some guy is attempting to get the attention of a girl comes across way too cheesy.

Overall, there is a lot to like about Standing In The Rain as a self-financed and independent release from an aspiring and talented band that deserved a label deal.  That said some minor (and quite forgivable) production misgivings and a lone skip button stand in the way.

Final Verdict: 75%


Christillow - Finale

Finale sees Christillow maintaining its penchant for melodic metal and hard rock with commercial AOR leanings.  Same musical comparisons apply.  Top notch songwriting continues to play a prevalent role, while added values manifests in improved production to see better defined rhythm guitar and weightier low end.

Opener “Time Rider Outsider” does a choice job carrying over the hard rocking momentum from Standing In The Rain.  It cuts like a knife with bombastic rhythm guitar and seething guitar leads while upholding the groups focus on manifest hooks.  Also taking a heavier turn is “MI Mia”, opening to the sound of whirling helicopter blades but playing up a mid-paced emotional edge in light of the subject at hand.  Intrinsic to the two are ample doses of the groups burnished vocal melodies. 

Upholding the heaviness but shorter is two and half minute “Shattered”, curtly woven and rollicking with hints of Hammond B3 building upon the interwoven melody, and three and half minute “Too Late”, mid-paced but with albums most ample guitar mix standing alongside Rod Taken’s pronounced timekeeping.  Subtle hooks allow the two to further separate.

This reviewers choice track is its most outside the box, “Doorways”,  What we have is a cool seventies influenced piece of classic rock rooted in the blues, drenched in atmospheric guitars but emanating a deeply rooted sense of laid back melody.  Modest Attraction could not do it better.

The commercial side to Christillow continues to play a lead role.  It begins with AOR infused “Time After Time”, revealed in its pronounced keyboard mix but with guitars pointing in a melodic direction (sort of like Petra), and wave your lighter in the air ballad “Fallen Angel”, made for radio with its lush harmonies and layered Stryper like backing vocals.

It also encompasses the Christillow propensity for the acoustic.  Consider in this capacity “Storming” with its ringing church bell opening that gives way to a gentle demeanor as jazzy bass and bluesy guitars hold sway” and “The Game” as albums longest as a six minute bluesy ballad home to earnest melody and poignant signatures in capturing the spirit to Bride’s 1995 release Drop.

Whereas Standing In The Rain is a strong effort in its own right, Finale takes things to the next level in finding Christillow hitting its stride from a musical standpoint.  Nine solid songs none of which is skip worthy along with improved production values.   I continue to take to the groups emphasizing of melodic hard rock songs along and lighter acoustic based tracks.  If its material saw label release back in the day, I can see Finale being a strong contender.

Final Verdict: 85%

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Standing In The Rain Track Listing: “Turn Me Loose Tonight” (3:38), “The Climb” (4:06), “Heavens Gate” (1:28), “Little Angel Girl” (3:45), “Love Me Tonight” (3:05), “All I Want” (4:44), “Standing In The Rain” (3:15), “Streets” (4:16), “Forever Gone” (3:55), “What Goes Around” (3:25)

Finale Track Listing: “Time Rider Outsider” (4:47), “Time After Time” (4:13), “MI Mia” (3:58), “Fallen Angel” (3:46), “Doorways” (3:56), “Shattered” (2:38), “Storming” (4:14), “Too Late” (3:34), “The Game” (5:44)

Michael James Christillow - Vocals
Kenne Mettler - Guitar
Jessy Marks – Bass
Rod Taken - Drums
David Guistwhite - Keyboards


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