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The Crimson Bridge Ministry - The Solution
Musical Style: Metal/Hard Rock Produced By:
Record Label: Independent Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 2018 Artist Website: The Crimson Bridge Ministry
Tracks: 5 Rating: 80%
Running Time:

The Crimson Bridge Ministry - The Solution

Fresh off 2017’s independently released (and 80% Angelic Warlord graded) sophomore full-length effort Choices, San Diego, California based The Crimson Bridge Ministry returns in the fall of 2018 with its third musical offering and first EP in The Solution (also independent).  Similar to its first two albums, to also include 2016 debut full length Remant Rock (75% Angelic Warlord reviewed), The Crimson Bridge Ministry maintains on The Solution its affinity for classic to traditional metal and straightforward blues based hard rock.  The group also remains the project of founding member and vocalist/rhythm guitarist Norm Campbell, whom continues to partner with lead guitarists Dave Nichols and Steve Langdon, drummer Jeff Forest and live bassist Mat Busike (Campbell handles all studio bass work).

Also not unlike its first two albums, The Crimson Bridge Ministry stays true its ministry based namesake by making its objective (as noted in its press material) ‘to reach the prodigal sons and daughters whom have come back to accept God's Word’ and prove ‘a safe haven of positive influence to make the choice easier (for those still sitting on the fence)’.  Hence, the manner in which The Solution title ties in: ‘Living in today's world I find that the ultimate answer or Solution to every problem is to follow the teachings of God the Father through Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for our sins by His work on the cross and all His teachings, is the Solution from the smallest to the largest problems we face.’

Note: all lyrical interpretations attribute to The Crimson Ministry press material

Best epitomizing the metal to hard rocking The Crimson Bridge Ministry sound is opener “Mysteries & Miracles”, a short (3:31) but boogie flavored cut to feature an opening drum solo, a wealth of up-tempo - if not outright mirthful and playful - energy and all the vocal harmony hooks you could ask.  Duel instrumental sections allow the groups signature triple guitar attack to shine!  Otherwise, this one would fit nicely on any prime Rez Band album!  Lyrics are an invitation to non-believers to take a chance, learn about, and ultimately accept the gift of salvation:
Are you worn? Are you torn? Do you wanna be reborn?
Are you burning inside to turn your life around?
Can you believe? Will you receive a position you could never achieve?
Are you willing to learn and turn your life around?

I got mysteries, I got miracles, I got the everlasting truth
I got prophecy, I got promises
Time unraveling as all these come true

Albums title track ensues as a minute longer but with the overall heavier vibe, as revealed in its distorted Sabbath like riffs and barebones mid-tempo metal qualities.  Lending to the torrid feel is Campbell’s staunchly done bass line.  It is not all angst, however, in that quite the melodically driven refrain contrasts with the prevailing misgiving semblance.  Subject matter has already been touched upon:

Our greatest weakness paves the path that leads to You
It's not just another gift, It's the need for You to pull us through
Without a doubt, You're my solution
Eternal in the comfort of Your love
Without a doubt You're my solution
Eternal in the comfort of Your love
He's the great solution, He who conquered death and sin

Heightening impetus back to up-tempo territory is “Nowhere Fast”.  The song takes energy levels on high with its hard charging rhythms and grainy guitars but also fails to overlook melody from how the group’s burnished vocal melodies remain in full force.  Lead guitar touches upon the fittingly bluesy.  “Nowhere Fast” is a song of "reproof/rebuke" to someone who knows the truth yet continues to live their life within a lie or chooses a different path or walk:

There's only one way to strive, one way to survive
To spend the night in the lion's den and come out tomorrow alive
Draggin' around your past, going nowhere fast

(Ooooo) Going nowhere fast

Your life is a mess. It's like the demolition derby express

(Ooooo) Going nowhere fast

With clashing symbols to start, “A New Direction” tempers both momentum and heaviness (even if slightly) with its classy AOR to melodic hard rock timbre.  Further lending to the elegant feel are the bountiful harmonies throughout, and the manner in which Campbell exhibits the full range to his smoothly flowing vocal aspects.  Yes, this one is on the reserved side but good all the same.  Chorus is a celebration of forgiveness, redemption and a new life in Christ:

Sometimes we search while we wait for our paths to merge
Sometimes our stubborn minds won't let our hearts converge
But it's a new day, going in a new direction
It’s a true change, a sinner's resurrection
It's a new day, going in a new direction

Closing things is ballad “Forgiven”.  Opening its first seconds to stilly done guitar over a full bass line, the song gradually drifts through its light and airy verses to touch upon the atmospheric only to gradually pick up pace as distinct rhythm guitar steps forward to shoulder the reflective refrain.  Feedback and harmonies carry things instrumentally.  Content of the song is about wasting the gift of salvation:

Every day, you wake up lost in space
Trying to find yourself a reason or a place
Ignoring the gift you received in grace
We all fall short. We are broken from the start
But by God's grace, we can be forgiven

The Crimson Bridge Ministry delivers its share of variety on The Solution, ranging from groove rockers to hard rock (straightforward and the melodic variety) to all out metal to melodic based ballads.  It works in light of how the group continues to uphold quality in key areas of not just songwriting and performance but cleanly done production as well.  Hence, how in comparison to past efforts, The Solution might be somewhat mellower in form (observation and not critique) but still holds up all the same.  Those into The Crimson Bridge Ministry’s first two albums or any of the styles presented are encouraged to check The Solution out.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “Mysteries & Miracles” (3:31), “The Solution” (4:26), “Nowhere Fast” (4:16), “A New Direction” (3:35), “Forgiven” (3:53)

Norm Campbell - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar & Bass
Dave Nichols - Lead Guitar
Steve Langdon - Lead Guitar
Jeff Forest - Drums


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