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Images Of Eden - Weathered And Torn
Musical Style: Melodic Heavy Metal Produced By:
Record Label: Pavement Entertainment Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 2022 Artist Website: Images Of Eden
Tracks: 5 Rating: 85%
Running Time: 23:46

Images Of Eden - Weathered And Torn

Images Of Eden sports a musical direction that’s all new for its summer of 2022 5-song EP Weathered And Torn.  No need for worry in that the group stays true to its foundational sound to ‘accentuate ample doses of melodic songwriting rooted in the accessible (in addition to) the heaviness to cross the metal threshold’ (quoting the 90% Angelic Warlord review of 2021 predecessor Angel Born).  In other words, Images Of Eden continues to fall under a ‘melodic heavy metal designation’ (as emphasized in the 95% Angelic Warlord review of 2018 effort Soulrise).  Where Weathered And Torn separates, however, is manner in which it finds the group distancing from the progressive based songwriting defining earlier releases Rebuilding The Ruins and Sunlight From The Spirit from 2011 and 2006, respectively, in favor of a more aggression direction revealed in occasional modern metal, thrash and even extreme overtones.

Remaining unchanged is the Images Of Eden mission to reinforce how, “each (album) is a chapter in the tale of a life's journey, dealing specifically with the trials and darkness that each of us must face in this world, each track is meant to inspire the listener to overcome these obstacles through human perseverance strengthened by guidance from above”.  Weathered & Torn upholds the theme from how it was shaped by the Covid-19 pandemic.  Whereas the band does its best to stay positive in this regard, the EP also touches upon how many lives have been negatively impacted by this difficult time.

Vocalist and rhythm guitarist Gordon Tittsworth offers further detail: “Even with a more aggressive delivery, Weathered And Torn still retains the signature IOE sound and message… elements of strength, perseverance and hope for better days are all still at the forefront, but this time there is also an added urgency that we must stay vigilant, bond together and lift each other through darker times. Now go and be somebody’s hero! Change a life! Begin today!”

Opener “Count To Zero” is a slugger that establishes a darker sound.  It charges out of the gate to emphatic rhythm guitar backed by a trenchant rhythm section, heightened by the soaring classic tenor vocal overtures of Tittsworth but also melodic in light of a refined refrain backed by pristine keyboards.  Lead guitar for the instrumental moments is of the intense variety.  Lyric snippet:

You created the pain
Your sins are all-consuming
And another price paid by fear
The “blind eye” can see
And the “deafened ears” know
The time is here

Lead the way
Count to zero
Don’t hesitate

“Survivor’s Guilt” ups heaviness with a borderline thrash proclivity.  Aggressive riffing from the start sets the lambasting tone, as momentum points to the relentless from the herculean drum emphasis and the engaging in terms of another clear-cut melody of the type Images Of Eden is renowned.  The fast paced soloing sounds as if taken from an early Deliverance album.  Lyric snippet:

The stars are now falling
Under a bright midnight sky
The tides are now turning
I surrender!
Please don’t leave me behind

Please give me another day
I’ll never make it through!
God, please give me one more day
Another day with you

Albums title track touches upon (even if lightly) a modern metal sound, albeit not to fault.  “Weathered And Torn” elevates to ‘chugga-chugga’ straight on metal riffs, which combine with periodic distorted backing vocals that further expand upon the aggressive theme.  Exquisite keyboards in the backend provide a lightening element.  Lyric snippet:

Weathered and torn, ashes adorned
Is there no one to walk with me into the sunset?
Weathered and torn, my innocence is stillborn
Is there no one to cry to… will you hear me?
Weathered and torn

Come back down for Your creation!
Take us home!

“Coexistence” takes a similar brash stance, hyper accelerated by double kick drum and periodic ‘growled’ vocals pointing to the extreme in representing Images Of Eden at its heaviest best.  That said group does not compromise its reinforcing of the accessible as revealed in the catchy refrain to decelerate to contrastingly near crawl.  I am somewhat reminded of Conquer era Halcyon Way (a complement of the highest order).  Lyric snippet:

Dead faith is rising
And we’re falling from grace
Prophecy unfolding
Of what must take place
Stigmatize, polarize
The devil no longer in disguise

You were born as seeds of light
That I planted in the soil of earthly sorrow
You will bloom in their hearts and shine
Giving someone another tomorrow

Closing cut “The Dead Me” embodies the signature Images Of Eden melodic metal sound by backing from the aggressive overtures with a borderline AOR tinged focus.  Group’s creativity, however, rises to the surface, found in the jazzy bass line not to mention memorable songwriting, recognizing the emotional tinctures to separate as keyboards make another decorative appearance.  Lyric snippet:

So now that the stars have fallen on me again
Each path that I choose
Opens every old wound
I yearned to bleed so I could numb the grief
With this pain I felt so alive
But that was the “dead” me

No, don’t mourn the “dead” me
Bury him far from your life

On Weathered And Torn, Images Of Eden successfully branches into a newfound heavier direction in which it mixes thrash, modern metal and extreme aspects with its signature melodic heavy metal sound.  Regardless of differences therein, group proves successful from maintaining the songwriting quality and backing it with the same able musicianship and production.  Where I tend to grade EP’s on a tighter curve, if Weathered And Torn had been rounded out with another five songs of equal merit, it would easily score in the same range as Angel Born and Soulrise.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Weathered And Torn track listing: “Count To Zero” (4:10), “Survivor’s Guilt” (5:08), “Weathered And Torn” (4:15), “Coexistence” (4:58), “The Dead Me” (4:15)


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