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Legend Revisited - For The Lord
Musical Style: Hard Rock Produced By:
Record Label: Sonic Age Country Of Origin: Varies
Year Released: 2024 Artist Website:
Tracks: 8 Rating: 85%
Running Time: 42:04

Legend Revisited - For The Lord

Of all the surprises at Angelic Warlord this year, Legend Revisited ranks at the top.  Revisited being the key word in light of the groups late seventies founding under the initial Legend moniker by drummer Raymond Edgar Frigon and vocalist and guitarist Kevin Nugent.  With bassist Fred Melilo rounding out its lineup, the power trio decided to ‘make an album as a basic DIY project’, with the end result the Empire Records 1979 released full length offering From The Fjords.

The album in time ‘garnered a multi-continent following among collectors of original albums and somehow notoriety in heavy metal circles’.  Hence, the decision by Sonic Age Records to re-issue From The Fjords in commemoration of its 40th anniversary in 2019.  Fast forward several years and Frigon developed the ‘passion for re-envisioning and recreating the original songs’ in order to give them ‘new life, energy and impact’.  To achieve such end he recruited guitarist Martin Jepsen Andersen and bassist Janne Stark and entered the studio (maintaining his timekeeping duties in addition to handling lead vocals) with the goal of ‘(making) things equal to or better than the original recording by today’s technological standards’. 

At the time From The Fjords was recorded, Frigon’s ‘philosophy of life (revolved) around atheism”.  Due to a change in heart, however, Frigon decided to re-write the lyrics to ‘fit a totally different message - a biblical worldview’.  As quoted by the artist: ‘It is not just my own personal relationship to the Christian faith that I do this (rewrite the lyrics) but the worldwide interest in Bible prophecy that current evens are raising in people’s minds’.  More specifically, ‘I decided to hone in on last day events mentioned in the Bible for most of the songs’.

It would not be out of line to suggest we were caught unawares when in June of 2024 Sonic Age Records released the album under the Legend Revisited heading and new title From The Lord with 7 of the 8 original tracks and one new song, “Gideon”.  The track “R.A.R.Z.” composed by the late Nugent was not included.  CD edition features a 16-page booklet including a detailed band biography in addition to an explanation to the meaning behind the lyrics of each song.

Placing a label of ‘heavy metal’ on Legend Revisited might be a misnomer by today’s standards, albeit from those of the seventies the designation might apply.  What I hear instead is a foundation of hard rock joined by strong leanings towards progressive rock and classic rock.  Opening cut “The Creator” does a good job embodying such, driving with staunch guitar fortitude and presence filled low end but also tempered from occasional passages of a calmer nature.  Frigon highlights a deeply tinctured middle register vocal style that brings to mind Frank Clifton Herring (Messenger).  Lyric snippet:

I am your redemption
Do you know from whence I came?
I’ve stood behind you since your birth
And I have plans for your new name
Eternity is mine

Ensuring cut “The Lords Vengeance” is a three and half-minute barnburner.  It storms its span in unveiling some of the catchiest riffs and hooks you will hear with an absorbing faculty I am surprised did not generate radio play back in the day.  Yet, a constant element to the intent swagger hints of Colours era Rez Band.  I challenge you to keep this one out of your head.  Lyric snippet:

Messiah’s finally coming
Will it be this generation?
His people long to see him
Revive the dying nations
Three angels must be sent out now
To gather in the lost

“The Golden Crown” is first of albums two epics exceeding seven minutes.  Song takes a progressive hard rock direction to see acoustic guitar lead the way until muscular rhythm guitar cuts in and aligns with the layered vocal melodies uplifting the emboldened melody.  An acoustic standing returns for the final minute and half.  It is the instrumental moments in which the band shines, with the two minute mid-point break highlighting Stark’s at times jazzy bass work and Andersen’s fusion filled (and quite intense!) lead guitar.  Lyric snippet:

The prize for His life is a golden crown
Freely give to those who were bound
By chains of sin, cast to the ground
But they rise and they fight
In the strength of His might
They pray and they watch
By faith they claim it

“Confrontation” is another shorter three and half-minute piece.  It is also upbeat, bordering on the speed based with a relentless tempo as periodic outbursts of focused riff driven unrest give way to gentler moments to see Frigon’s regal vocals rise above the swirling scene.  No, not quite catchy as “The Lords Vengeance” but is focused all the same.  Lyric snippet:

Alone, fasting Satan comes to call
The Word, alone, is the all in all

Taken up high, “Jump down, alive”
Tempt not the Lord, your God, to survive

Starving, “Bow down
The world You shall own”
Written, worship and serve God, alone

“Gideon” embodies the group’s hard rock side.  The song charges forward from the start, awash in layered vocal melodies and lively harmonies but occasionally relaxing for settled passages of an acoustic nature.  The Legend Revisited instrumental side continues to make its presence felt, as found in the jam-based run to see classical bass combined with intent lead guitars.  If “Gideon” is any indicator of what the group is capable, it should focus its efforts on recording an album of original material.  Lyric snippet:

Gideon, will you fight for me
Thou mighty man, valor comes with thee
Gideon, will you rid the land Midian
By my mighty hand, oh – Gideon

Gideon, I will smite for thee
And Israel shall be finally free
Gideon, go in this thy might
Save Israel from the Amalekites, oh – Gideon

“Against The Beast” maintains the hard rock sensibilities.  I identify with its as a companion track to “Gideon”, also of an upbeat nature in transitioning between moments with an adventurous flair and others that evenly decelerate to an AOR-ish influenced manifest.  Closing minutes see Legend Revisited again exhibiting its strong musicianship.  Lyric snippet:

I feel him coming now
The beast with iron teeth and brazen claws
I hear him coming now
Blaspheming God, changing times and laws

I want to worship Christ in glory
For He took my sins away
All my guilt and wretchedness
I will serve Him every day

“The Gospel Train” finds Frigon putting on a literal drum clinic- including the intricate (and jaw dropping) mid-point drum solo in addition to the front to back technical aptitude shouldering the low end.  Song otherwise draws upon a classic rock flair with a blues aspect found in the feedback driven refrain, gritty resonance and grainy feel to guitars.    Fans of Glenn Kaiser Band and Stevie & The Saints will find a home in this one.  Lyric snippet:

Two trains play the leads in this story
One bound to destruct, one for glory
One moves with the speed of the lightning
The other takes time, with enlightening
One will heat the coals red hot for the souls under deception
The other heaps his coals solely for the goal of love and redemption

Talk about saving your best for last with awesome eight minute closer “Armageddon”.  What we have is one of albums heaviest with a metal bent, impelled by biting in and out of the mix guitars and extensive instrumental run to give each member of the group opportunity to unveil his licks and chops: complex bass, frenetic guitar leads and heavy-footed timekeeping.  Apocalyptic refrain aligns with the aptly entitled songs message.  Lyric snippet:

Smoke fills the temple, seven bowls
Filed with the wrath of God
Are brought by angels pure and white
Poured like a lightning rod
The beast, false prophet, kings of earth
Have set the stage for war
The father looks and sees a world
All caged like predators

If interested in a retro trip back to the seventies with Gospel lyrics you can do no wrong with For the Lord from Legend Revisited.  Songwriting is key, which ranges from straightforward hard rockers, shorter up-tempo pieces to progressive epics.  Further values realized in the incredible musicianship in that each member proves a way above the line performer.  Give credit to Frigon for having the vision to re-record the album in such an upgraded musical and lyrical format as well to Sonic Age Records for sharing the same vision.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “The Creator” (5:02), “The Lords Vengeance” (3:25), “The Golden Crown” (7:15), “Confrontation” (3:31), “Gideon” (4:42), “Against The Beast” (3:45), “The Gospel Train” (6:18), “Armageddon” (8:04)

Raymond Edgar Frigon - Lead Vocals, Drums & Percussion
Martin Jepsen Andersen - Guitars
Janne Stark - Bass


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