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Mad At The World - Seasons Of Love
Musical Style: Hard Rock Produced By: Roger Rose
Record Label: Frontline / Retroactive Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 1990 / 2024 Artist Website: Mad At The World
Tracks: 11 Rating: 80%
Running Time: 47:26

Mad At The World - Seasons Of Love

Southern California’s Mad At The World (MATW) is widely viewed as a modern/alternative rock band- derivative of Depeche Mode influenced electronic dance music and techno rock with a strong emphasis on synthesizers, drum machine loops and sampling.  Hence, musical direction to the group’s Frontline Records first two albums Mad At The World and Flowers In The Rain from 1987 and 1988, respectively.  Beginning with 1990 Alarma Records third album Seasons Of Love, however, MATW - drawing its name from 1 John 2:16 (Love not the world, neither the things of the world) - reinvented itself as a hard rock act with the goal of a sound more amiable toward live performances.

The group traces to 1987 and founding members and brothers Roger (lead vocals, keyboards, guitars, synthesizer and drum programming & percussion) and Randy (lead vocals, drum programming & percussion) Rose, whom were joined by Mike Pendleton (guitars & percussion) on Mad At The World and Flowers In The Rain.  In order to help MATW realize a heavier sound, the trio recruited Brent Gordon (lead & rhythm guitar) for Seasons Of Love and equally hard rocking follow up releases Boomerang (1991 and also Alarma) and Through The Forest (1992 but Frontline).

Long out of print and a hard to find collectors item, Seasons Of Love was re-mastered (courtesy of Rob Colwell of Bombworks Sound) and re-issued by Retroactive Records in November of 2024 on CD (300 copies) and vinyl (200).  A multi page mini booklet with lyrics and detailed liner notes (CD) and 12X12 full color insert (vinyl) attributes to Scott Waters (No Life Til Metal Graphics).

Opener “The Narrow Gate” does a good job reflecting the new MATW hard rock proclivity.  The song opens to searing open-air guitar that gives way to fiery impetus, as Roger Rose unveils his modern tinged but complementary classic tenor vocal style and Randy Rose and Pendleton provide the vehement timekeeping and hardy bass, respectively.  Gordon proves every bit the force with his feverish lead guitar.

Interestingly, album makes an about-face to the acoustic laced “Seasons Of Love”, which finds MATW revealing a deft acoustic touch in the form of a benevolent melody and poignant emotion to hold sway.  Quality is such the song deserves honors as albums title track.  That said, further values manifests in the closing hard rock ‘reprise’ to “Seasons Of Love” I actually like better.  Yes, I take to both, but my opinion is the track listing would have flowed more evenly if the acoustic rendering with its lighter form and reserved tempo was used as the ‘reprise’ instead.  Lyric snippet:

First comes the seed
Then it’s sown and it’s living, then it’s grown
Soon a flower will appear, but the end is getting near
And the wind will blow and take the seeds far away

But in the changes yet to come, and the songs yet to be sung
Though I might not understand
I believe there is a plan
Jesus open up my eyes and show me the way straight through

“City Of Anger” is this reviewer’s choice cut.  It proves a perfect combining of metal and the modern, grooving its span as vexed riffs direct the galled scene and lucrative hooks serve to entice on immediate listen.  One cannot help but appreciate manner in which MATW sounds at home in a heavier rocking environs.

“When The Wind Blows” tempers pace to a melodic hard rock heading.  No, this one might not hit quite hard as some - guitars while still prominent back from the previous metal propensity - but elevates delectable harmonies and upholds melody of an equal radio friendly form.  This is the second song in a row to find the group hitting its creative stride.  Lyric snippet:

Time’s all we need, so they say
But does love ever go away?
Will it light the darkness that falls around us?
Still, we only have one thing left
We can say leave it all behind us and go our separate ways

When the wind blows
I think it’s you in the air
Every sunset reminds me
That you’re not there

“Marshmallow Land” is first of three cuts fronted by Randy Rose.  He contrasts with a lower register and soulful style many compare to Glenn Danzig.  Hence, manner in which his two highly recommended (and also recently Retroactive re-released) solo albums Sacrificium (1991) and Healing (1993) bring a Danzig stoner hard rock vibe.  “Marshmallow Land” is in somewhat similar form, albeit faster with a prompt groove and aggressive clime to rate with the Seasons Of Love heaviest.

“Summer’s Gone” is only song I tend to pass.  No, far from bad and not necessarily filler, but at three acoustic minutes in my opinion it is not given time to build and develop as it should, at least in comparison to the punctual depth to the finer acoustic version to “Seasons Of Love”.  Lyric snippet:

You waited so long
You tried, and prayed, and stayed
You were strong
The life that I would live
You always found a way to forgive
‘Get on your knees and crawl, I’ll have it all my way or not at all’
That’s how I felt before
Until the day she walked out that door

“Promised Land (The Deception Of Drugs)” is a glossy melodic hard rocker not unlike “When The Wind Blows” in which guitars play a reduced role.  Strength resides in the defined melody and emotional vocals, with former rooted in the procurable and latter pointing to a semi-ballad basis.  I take to the mid-point instrumental run with guitar rhythms of a classical nature.

Second Randy Rose vocal cut “So Insane” takes a short (three and half minute) full-throttle speed based heading.  Guitars return to a metal form, as tempo aligns with the frenzied and artist reaches down to add some stout fortitude to his delivery.  This one would sound at home on Sacrificium and Healing.  Lyric snippet:

You are wonderful, you are beautiful
You’re a human, a precious soul
I can’t believe you wanna give your life away
To some drug that’s gonna take control, yeah
‘Cause life was given to you
It was a gift from God
And you should be living straight
And if you don’t get off of that road to hell
Pretty soon it’s gonna be too late

Likewise, with final Randy Rose fronted piece “It’s Not A Joke”.  It tempers initiative to the mid-tempo in traversing modern rock territory but to fault in representing second song not my cup of tea.  Perhaps due to the overdone modern aspects, found in fuzzy guitars that do not quite touch upon hard rock, but I struggle to embrace this one with repeat play.  That said, I se those whose tastes trend towards the modern taking to “It’s Not A Joke”.

Final acoustic cut “The Love That Never Fades” is a winner.  Along with the acoustic version to albums title track, it proves the MATW sound fits nicely within an acoustic format in rating with the finer songs here.  I revere the robust melody along with the periodic instrumental moments and message based around Gods love:

I don’t want a love that comes and then it goes
One day its here and then the next day it disappears
It’s gotta last for eternity
And if it comes from above
Then it’s holy, perfect, righteous love

Love is forgiveness, patience and kindness
Mercy that never fades
Faithful and holy, pure and devoted
This is the love God made

Seasons Of Love equates to a solid hard rock with light modern and acoustic lacings album.  Yes, there are a couple songs not to my taste, but otherwise it proves musically consistent, keeping in mind others might embrace the tracks in which I pass.  The Roger (modern classic tenor) and Randy (gritty mid-ranged) Rose vocal trade off works well, as does the supporting cast of guitarist Brent Gordon and bassist Mike Pendleton.  If you are like me and overlooked Seasons Of Love back in the day or are interested in an upgraded version to the album, make the Retroactive re-issue a priority purchase.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing:  “The Narrow Gate” (3:40), “Seasons Of Love” (4:52), “City Of Anger” (5:36), “When The Wind Blows” (5:39), “Marshmallow Land” (2:59), “Summer’s Gone” (3:08), “Promised Land (The Deception Of Drugs)” (5:26), “So Insane” (3:25), “It’s Not A Joke” (3:29), “The Love That Never Fades” (4:07), “Seasons Of Love (Reprise)” (5:05)

Roger Rose - Lead Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Tambourine & Drums
Brent Gordon - Lead & Rhythm Guitar
Mike Pendleton - Bass
Randy Rose - Lead Vocals & Drums


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