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Not Of This World - I Am With You
Musical Style: Hard Rock / Acoustic Produced By: Not of This World & Garret Thomas
Record Label: Roxx Records Country Of Origin: USA & New Zealand
Year Released: 2024 Artist Website:
Tracks: 10 Rating: 75%
Running Time: 46:40

Not Of This World - I Am With You

Roxx Records February of 2024 Not Of This World sophomore album I Am With You takes classic hard rock sounds and combines them with acoustic rock sensibilities.  The group remains the project of founding member and multi instrumentalist Clay Ashbrook (electric & acoustic guitars, drums, bass, mandolin, banjo & piano), whom continues to collaborate with iconic vocalist Dale Thompson (better known for his work with Bride and side projects too numerous to mention).  The duo trace to September of 2022 and the Not Of This World debut full length Never Forget (also Roxx).

I Am With You features a choice selection of rousing hard rockers not that removed from prime Bride, which gives Thompson ample opportunity to exhibit his at times blues soaked and others earthy and gravelly mid-ranged vocal abilities.  It is also home to an equal number of acoustic pieces with a dark nineties vibe that allow Ashbrook to unveil his well-rounded (and quite ably done) guitar aptitude.  It adds up to an either or type situation.  On one hand, listeners benefit from both sides of the (hard rock vs. acoustic) musical fence; on the other, it also impresses as a slightly uneven listen.

Album opens to one of those hard rockers in question, “The Holy One”.  It quickly fades in to feedback ahead of pulsing forward to transparent bass and chugging guitars, exuberant from Thompson’s animated wails and bristling Rez Band like demeanor but also gripping in terms of the reflective melody and adhesive refrain.  This one would fit in on either of the most recent albums from Bride.  Lyric snippet:

I say the Holy One, He knows
We have reaped, what we have sown
There has come a day
He redeemed your soul

Jesus’ death became a doorway
Into the domain where man was held
He hung on the cross, the document
Of man’s guilt for all to read

“Living Sacrifice” is also of a hard rocking form.  Song takes a more melodic approach in comparison, somewhat reserved in terms of guitar ton - albeit not completely abandoning the abject heaviness - but elevated in terms of preeminent melody, a light commercial aspect rises to the surface.  I sense of touch of the eighties here.

“I Don’t’ Want It Any Other Way” trends metal territory.  It proves brazen all the way with the prevailing guitars to command from the start aligning with forwardly placed momentum to point to the sledging.  Yet, the layered vocal melodies adorning the sleek refrain reveal a contrastingly sophisticated side to the song (sort of like Bloodgood).  Lyric snippet:

Living for the moment, living for today
Is just another way to live for yesterday
Take no thought for the things of the world
For everything we see will fade away

When I stand before my Lord
Savior of the world
I want nothing more than to see a smile upon His face
And Jesus says, “Well done, well done”

Six minute “I Am With You” represents this reviewer’s choice track.  Albums title track walks a fine line between albums heavier and lighter material, home to perseverant bass and staunchly reinforced rhythm guitar (former) in addition to a foreboding melody of a modern but not to the point of overriding capacity (latter).  I take to the instrumental final minute to feature narration from Deuteronomy 20:3-4 and Ashbrook’s technical guitar work.

“Darkness” is in similar form from manner in which it transitions between gently done acoustic moments of an almost folk-like capacity and others in which weighty guitars gradually fade in and take over in arresting fashion.  Putting the song over the top is one of albums stronger melodies.  One cannot deny the nineties influence on this one.  Lyric snippet:

So where are we going?
Into the darkness
To see and to hear
Storms will come, but they wont’ last

We must stand
Jesus said, “It is finished!”
Show mercy and forgiveness
The Father is speaking
We can start living!

As much as I take to the heavier material, some of albums finest moments are acoustic beginning with “I’m Not Broken”. Quiet, stilly done and reserved, the song drifts its five minute span to downcast melody and atmospheric harmonies as Thompson unveils a softer and poignant side to his delivery.  All the while Ashbrook shines with his jazzy bass underpinnings.

“A New Day” mixes acoustic sentiments with searing feedback to create an elegant allure.  Another melodic bass line stands apart, uplifting the airy vocal melodies of a commercial AOR influenced form and periodic forward moments to see rhythm guitar power to the front of the mix.  Refrain that continuously repeats the songs title borders on the mesmerizing.  Lyric snippet:

The world’s on fire
We have set it ablaze
There is a world without end
If it were up to us, we’d burn it all away

Jesus is the hand to hold
Wild beasts and the kings of the earth are gathered for war
Let the birds fill their bellies with those who are slain by the sword
I see an angel standing in the heart of the sun

“When Jesus Comes Back” would not sound out of place on 1995 Bride release Drop.  It is in similar spirit with a grooving low end and dainty acoustic sentiments to speak of the folk-like, admonishing in terms of the catchy hooks to hold sway but also lightly progressive as found in the extended instrumental run home to bluesy guitar signatures.

If I Am With You encompassed only the previously outlined eight songs, it potentially would score in the 80% to 85% range.  Unfortunately, it also includes two additional acoustic pieces that do not quite do it for me.  Perhaps it is a penchant for the heavier material here - I would much rather heard a couple more hard rockers in similar vein as “The Holy One” - or that at under four minutes neither is given opportunity to build as it should, but I pass on “Stranger In A Strange Land” and “Lilly Of The Valley”.

Not Of This World sophomore release I Am With You equates to a solid at times hard rocking and others acoustic album.  It really shines on its finer moments, with former delivering Bride style authority and latter awash in graceful melody mirroring a nineties vibe.  Thompson remains at the top of his mid-ranged vocal game, while Ashbrook proves capable from a songwriting and multi-instrumental standpoint.  That said a couple songs I skip over detract from a higher score.  Still, if a fan of the musical forms presented, then I Am With You is strongly recommended.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “The Holy One” (3:20), “I’m Not Broken” (5:34), “Living Sacrifice” (4:30), “Darkness” (5:09), “Stranger In A Strange Land” (3:20), “I Don’t Want It Any Other Way” (5:05), “A New Day” (4:51), “When Jesus Comes Back” (5:01), “Ily Of The Valley” (3:27), “I Am With You” (6:20)

Dale Thompson - Lead Vocals
Clay Ashbrook - Electric & Acoustic guitars, Drums, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo & Piano

Additional Musicians
Caden Ashbrook - Drums


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