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Pastor Brad - Against The Grain
Musical Style: Melodic Heavy Metal Produced By: Pastor Brad
Record Label: Independent Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 2024 Artist Website: Pastor Brad
Tracks: 10 Rating: 85%
Running Time:

Pastor Brad - Against The Grain

Pastor Brad ventures farther into classic metal territory than he ever has with the January of 2024 independent release to his most recent album Against The Grain.  Whereas the Cookeville, Tennessee based pastor and Christian metal recording artist is best know for his instrumental guitar shred series to include five albums released over a six year span, his vocal projects prove no less exemplary and prolific.  Many of my favorites are his parody cover albums in which he takes mainstream metal and hard rock songs from the seventies and eighties and re-images them with faith-based lyrics, noting an additional six albums released between 2016 and 2023.

Pastor Brad’s star shines every bit bright in terms of original material, with standouts encompassing 2017 release Up and Crush to trend worship hard rock and varied metal territory, respectively, but also inclusive to the melodic heavy metal of Rock This World from 2019.  He has also gone the metal and hard rock concept route on 2019 release One Holy Night by re-telling the Christmas from the New Testament and 2021 offering Down & Dirty by focusing on how ‘Jesus left His place in glory, came down, put on flesh and got dirty, so that we could put our faith in Him as Lord & Savior, and step out of our dirty mess and into His glory!’. 

Against The Grain maintains the lyrical and musical trend.  In terms of former, the albums theme centers on the reality that we are ‘called to NOT conform to the patter of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). We are called to follow our King, Jesus, ‘Against The Grain’ of the pattern of this world- and stand out as Kingdom salt and light for His glory!’  From standpoint of latter, I identify with Against The Grain as Pastor Brad’s most consistently heavy release in drawing upon a classic metal basis but not forsaking his melodic sensibilities in reinforcing memorable choruses, equally profound rhythm guitar and all the guitar soloing you could ask.

Albums opening title track is one of its more melodic and up-tempo.  “Against The Grain” revels in commercial hard rock (pop metal, hair metal, glam metal if you will) with mega huge ‘whoa-whoa-oh-oh-oh’ backing vocals and the guaranteed to stay with you all day hooks to go in hand.  The mid-point stretch of fluid lead guitar points to the albums mirror like production.

Ensuing number “Caught Up In You” is first of eight cuts to touch upon artist’s classic metal side.  Song fills out its six minutes well, with a singular bass line, periodic cowbell and guitars that move to a place of prominence upon approaching the darkly tinctured (and quite catchy!) refrain.  Pastor Brad does a choice job exhibiting his gritty but moving mid-ranged vocal abilities.

“Holy Fight” elevates energy on high, exuberant with its propulsive momentum and hammering drums as crisp guitars underline in crunching fashion but equally compelling in terms of another draw you in and refuse to go away refrain.  It cannot be understated the artists very ably done and quite melodic lead guitar work.

The unyielding initiative carries over to third great song in a row, “King Of Kings”.  A spoken word approach reveals vocally - propelled over a foundation of traditional metal guitars - as force gradually expands to mirror the tenacious.  Halfway in and song stops dead in its tracks for a surprisingly calm instrumental section featuring nimble lead guitar carried over technical drums.

“Livin’ For The Cross” starts to lightly done guitars ahead of gradually gaining momentum to an unwavering bass line, aligning with the bluesy when factoring the biting feel to rhythm guitar but not forsaking the accessible in light of the punchy and too the point melody.  A distorted edge imbues lead guitar.  Midway through the album and Pastor Brad is literally on fire from a songwriting standpoint!

Against The Grain unfortunately takes its lone downturn on follow up cut “Without You”, a punk-metal piece that despite being well conceived is not my cup of tea.  Whereas the song is not lacking in memorable qualities, and I can see it appealing to those into the punk scene, the churning, off kilter guitars and continuously repeated (to fault) ‘whoa-oh-whoa-oh-whoa’ backing vocals go over my head.  To be completely fair, in 2022 artist released an album entitled Christian Metal Punk, so perhaps “Without You” is a leftover from the CMP sessions.  Regardless, I tend to pass.

No so “Comin’ Around”, which gets Against The Grain back on track, as a short (three minute) heavy duty metal cut with a freight train like low end and monster rhythm guitars to speak of the exceedingly exuberant.  I particularly take to the cowbell backed refrain with shouted backing vocals repeating the songs title in raucous fashion.  Saint could not do it any better!

“Rise” is also in the three-minute range, but takes a musical direction that could not differ more with an ominous bass line and darkly woven tincturing that almost the doom-like.  Vocally, artist adds some complementary lower register grit to his delivery- building upon the songs darkly woven melody in the process - while allowing for an equally captivating stretch of bluesy lead guitar.

“Something’s Coming” continues the trend of above the line three minutes songs but picks up pace in comparison to predecessor “Rise”.  Song separates with a churning mentality, revealed in bounding low-end moments with hauntingly whispered vocals not to mention periodic appearance of modern tinged (and quite flattering) guitars.  Yes, this one is somewhat outside the box comparison to some here but proves no less effective.

Artist saves his most high energy cut for last in “Wake Up Oh Sleeper”.  Song starts slowly to open air guitar prior to plundering forward, with impetus gradually gaining for the forward thinking momentum covering the lively verse sections and explosive exuberance to the equally commanding ‘wake up! oh sleeper!’ refrain.  Albums best stretch of extended lead guitar tops things off.

Against The Grain in my opinion features the best combination of songwriting and production to grace a Pastor Brad album.  Former stands out with eight good songs (minimum) home to the needed melodies and variances to keep the album fresh with repeat play, while former separates with near perfectly placed rhythm and lead guitar alongside manifest bass.  Inspired lyrics (which sadly do not come with the download) not to mention albums inspiring theme help round things out.  Only thing at this point is for a label to pick up Against The Gran for a much-needed CD release.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “Against The Grain” (2:52), “Caught Up In You” (5:44), “Holy Fight” (4:32), “King Of Kings” (3:52), “Livin’ For The Cross” (4:,05) “Without You” (3:02), “Comin’ Around” (3:17), “Rise” (3:13), “Something’s Coming” (3:08), “Wake Up Oh Sleeper” (4:02)

Pastor Brad - Lead Vocals, Guitars & Bass


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