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Björn Stigsson - Together With Friends
Musical Style: Hard Rock/Melodic Metal Produced By: Peo Pettersson
Record Label: Pure Metal / Roxx Records Country Of Origin: Sweden
Year Released: 1989 / 2021 Artist Website: Björn Stigsson
Tracks: 12 Rating: 90%
Running Time: 47:24

Bjorn Stigsson - Together With Friends

An all-star cast of vocalists and musicians, a bent for melodic metal and hard rock, a 15th place finish in an Angelic Warlord article outlining the top 50 Christian metal and hard rock albums from the eighties- welcome to the 1989 debut solo album of Björn Stigsson, Together With Friends.  Stigsson, obviously, needs no introduction as founding member and guitarist of Leviticus.  Beginning with debut I Shall Conquer and sophomore effort The Strongest Power from 1984 and 1985, respectively, Stigsson joined with vocalist and bassist Håkan Andersson and drummer Kjell Andersson for a straightforward heavy metal inclining.  Third album Setting Fire To The Earth from 1987 brought change in a move towards melodic metal and revamped roster to include vocalist Terry H. and bassist Ez Gomer, as did 1989 swan song effort Knights Of Heaven with a pop metal basis in addition to featuring new vocalist Peo Pettersson and bassist Niklas Franklin.

As one might expect, Together With Friends finds Stigsson musically drawing upon his Leviticus past but in true solo album fashion, it also sees him branching into previously uncharted musical waters of keyboard rock, blues and AOR.  Perhaps due to such variety, I also identify with Together With Friends as Stigsson’s finest work or at the very least most consistent.  Whereas Leviticus could be spotty at times, Together With Friends presents with no skip worthy material in seamlessly flowing from one track to the next.  No small role in this regard attributes to the numerous guests to appear - album title includes the ‘friends’ designator for good reason! - including the aforementioned Håkan and Kjell Andersson and Peo Pettersson.  Further depth reveals in lead vocalists Sonny Larsson (Motherlode) and Tina Spängberg in addition to keyboardists Danne Tibell (Jerusalem) and Dan Fernstrőm.

An out of print and hard to find collectors item, Together With Friends was re-issued by Roxx Records in March of 2021 in the limited edition Gold Disc CD format.  A multi-page booklet home to vintage band photos, two versions to cover art (gold bordered and original) and detailed line notes credits to Scott Waters (No Life Til Metal graphics), while improved re-mastering attributes to Rob Colwell (Bomboworks Sound).  When placed alongside the original, the Roxx Records version gives prominence to a much-needed dose of polish to enhance fine details such as heightened low end, crisper guitars and better-defined keyboards.

Is the transition from instrumental keyboard opener “Free” to melodic hard rock masterpiece “Come On” one of the finest one to punch album intro of the eighties Christian metal scene?  Only potential rival might be Stryper’s “Abyss” followed by “To Hell With The Devil”.  Regardless, “Come On” is a first class anthem defined by catchy guitar rhythms, commercial hooks and exultant tempo to speak of the worshipful.  All the while Pettersson shines with his grainy, mid-ranged vocals.  Lyric snippet:

Right know I feel
Oh you know I feel so good
I`m on my way, I`m on my way to heaven
Together with the people, the white dressed people
They who came out of the great tribulation

Come on, come on let`s rock to the King
From Heaven the kingdom comes
I praise and sing to the Lord

Follow up cut “Lovin’ My Woman”, three minutes of up-tempo zeal, allows Larsson to stand out with his high-pitched vocal flavorings.  Kjell’s non-stop double bass hearkens back to I Shall Conquer track “He’s My Life”, while every bit befitting Hammond B3 allows a cool bluesy flair.  Stigsson proves no slouch on lead guitar all the same.

Duet between Pettersson and Larsson on “I’m Gonna Rock”, a gang shouted hard rocker resonating of added Hammond B3 and all the gleeful energy you could ask.  Yes, a bit truncated at two and a half minutes but solid all the same despite the clichéd title (imagine Stryper but with some laid back bluesy swagger).

“It’s Alight” is first of two tracks to see Stigsson step outside the metal and hard rock framework.  Of note is how it takes a keyboard heavy rock direction in featuring soulful female vocalist Tina Spängberg, whom stands alongside lighter guitar tinctures and Häkan Norling’s well placed saxophone solo.  Moving and effusive is the feel at hand.  Lyric snippet:

Everyday I look at the sky
I see clouds, they`re blowing away
Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun
Is shining, and we feel pretty good

When I plant a word from God into my heart
Spirit comes and it grows inside
I got faith, I got hope
And I feel I`ll reach my goal

Pettersson returns on “Way Of Living”, another bluesy hard rocker to roar out of the gate dripping of gritty guitars and rugged low end.  Hooks reign supreme - the ‘well it’s my, my way of livin’ refrain reeks of passion - as does Stigsson’s guitar harmonies carried over Håkan’s manifest bass. 

“Stand Up” rates with this reviewer’s favorites.  The up-tempo melodic metal flair to resonate aligns with Larsson’s scintillating classic tenor - does the guy have a limit to his range? - as unremitting verve and a notable melody play lead roles alongside artist’s expert soloing (Stigsson is one of the underrated performers of his era).  I appreciate the accenting but not dominate keyboard production.  Lyric snippet:

All around the world it comes
Everywhere on this earth
Like a fire it comes right now

Stand up, stand up, stand up,
The Kingdom is here
Right now, right now, right now,
It`s here for you

Stand up, stand up… it`s here for you

“Come Together” separates as another first rate Larsson cut.  This one takes the all out metal energy to the next level, exuding a Van Halen meets Guardian boogie rock ardor as Kjell gets another double bass workout and deep-seated backing vocals uphold the high-strung refrain.  Guest Harry Kay shreds on lead guitar.

“Majestic In Power” further builds on the bluesy hard rock sentiments, revealed in Pettersson’s heartfelt vocal delivery (he particularly stretches on this one) and Tibell’s ever presents Hammond B3 (lending some earthy qualities).  Gist is an acclivity towards the laid back if not borderline worshipful.  Lyric snippet:

When the people living Egypt
Pharaoh would not set them free
He fought against the Lord,
But the Lord is a warrior and He wants the people to be free

Pharaoh`s army was hurled into the sea
They sank and drowned in the Red sea
`Cause they persecuted God`s people
And Your hand was majestic in power

An AOR-ish melodic hard rock aspect imbues “King Of Glory”.  One of albums most up-tempo, it gently settles down for its keyboard driven verse sections as Larsson exhibits his crystalline resonance but picks up exponentially as guitars brace the lucid refrain.  Re-mastering allows the bass driven groove to separate that much further.

Hard charger “Here It Comes” jumps out of the gate to driving guitar riffs, flowing sleekly in expeditious form as Pettersson once more reaches down with his expansive resonance and hooks of a commercial quality reign supreme.  I take to the lead guitar and organ trade off instrumentally.  Lyric snippet:

Arise, shine for your light has come
And the Glory of the Lord is shining on you
Darkness as black as night shall cover all the people
But the Glory of the Lord will shine from You

Nations and kingdom will be drawn to Your light
And the kings to the dawn of your new day
Take a look around and see what is happening
Your people are gathering to come home

Album reaches its zenith on “I’m Free”, as all three vocalists converge within a keyboard based environs to speak of the sublime.  Each of the three vocally carries a verse only to sing in harmony on the wondrous ‘I am free, I’m free / Christ set me free’ refrain.  Majestic instrumental run sees symphonic keyboards give way to moving lead guitar.

Credit Roxx Records for a high quality and long overdue re-issue to Bjorn Stigsson’s classy debut solo album Together With Friends (it took the artist 25 years to release sophomore solo album A New Beginning in 2016).  Yes, drawing upon his Leviticus past but also branching out musically, Together With Friends remains in my opinion Stigsson’s finest artistic statement, although fourth XT album Saved By The Blood from 2017 gives it a good run for its money.  Adding to its value are the numerous guest vocalists and musicians, allowing for a true ‘together with friends’ musical experience.  For fans of Leviticus or any of the musical forms presented. 

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “Free” (1:03), “Come One” (5:29), “Lovin’ My Woman” (3:03), “I’m Gonna Rock” (2:33), “It’s Alright” (6:18), “Way Of Living” (4:04), “Stand Up” (4:05), “Come Together” (3:02), “Majestic In Power” (3:15), “King Of Glory” (5:00), “Here It Comes” (3:46), “I’m Free” (5:45)

Björn Stigsson - Guitars
Sonny Larsson - Lead Vocals
Peo Pettersson - Lead Vocals
Tina Spängberg - Lead Vocals
Danne Tibell - Keyboards
Dan Fernstrőm - Keyboards
Håkan Andersson - Bass
Kjell Andersson - Drums

Guest Musicians
Harry Kay - Guitars
Hakan Horling - Saxophone


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