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Thrash Puppies - Unleashed
Musical Style: Varies Produced By: Thrash Puppies
Record Label: Independent / Soundmass Country Of Origin: Australia
Year Released: 1993 / 2021 Artist Website:
Tracks: 9 Rating: 70%
Running Time: 26:49

Thrash Puppies - Unleashed

If metal edged punk ala One Bad Pig is what you’re after, Melbourne, Australia based Thrash Puppies and its appropriately entitled six song 1993 custom cassette EP Unleashed lands on its feet.  Do not be mislead, however, by the groups name in that you will find no ‘thrash’ here but rather an outside the box proclivity in which elements diverse as speed metal, alternative and rap rise to the surface and make for an unpredictable listen in the process.  That said as the Thrash Puppies moniker might also indicate - not to mention the silly band member names and outfits, slapstick humor and tongue in cheek song titles - the group does not necessarily take itself too seriously, but, as we shall see in the track by track, is every bit serious in terms of its message.

Whereas Unleashed saw release back in the day of fanzine cassette trading in the underground metal subculture, it soon went out of print and turned into a hard to find and pricey collector’s item.  Enter Soundmass Records, whom in June of 2021 re-issued Unleashed with the original cartoon cassette cover, which was drawn by Jayson Sherlock (Mortification, Paramaecium).  Re-mastering for improved sound quality attributes to Rob Colwell of Bombworks Sound. 

Opener “That T-Shirt Won’t Save You” projects of the punk-wave like disquiet as distorted guitars and all the catchy riff and hook driven affinity runs rampart.  The teeming energy is literally off the charts, which further augments the raw, streetwise feel to production.  This one reveals the Thrash Puppies humorous and serious sides:

Had a dream the other night, I dreamt I was in hell
There was a lake of fire and gnashing teeth
And a sickly sulfur smell
So I called over a demon, he was an ugly dude
I said, ‘There’s been a big mistake’

Then the demon came over, put his arm around my shoulder
And said ‘let me give you some advice
You’e gonna burn in hell, not matter what you wear
No matter what you listen to
And Satan’s gonna be your personal nightmare

‘Cause clothes won’t save you
Your friend won’t save you
Forget about rock ‘n’ roll
I may be a demon, but even demons know
Only Jesus can save your soul’

Groups signature track “Thrash Puppies” separates as varied and multifarious but in a weird sort of way.  Song interchanges between moments chaotic to see an almost hard core like frenzy hold sway (as guitars punch in and out of the mix) and others calmer (aligning with reticent bass and smoother vocals).  Further variety manifests in the blues driven instrumental jam ensued by a left turn towards a rap direction: We’re a rappin’ crew / And we’re gonna lay a present on you / We call this a gift wrap (PUH-lease guys!).  In the end, so much is coming at you musically in so many directions impression is a disjointed mess of four or five songs spliced into one.

Next up “Take Me For A Spin Doctor” is (you got it) a take on the plucky-bass-happy-feel popular nineties band.  Yes, a step up in that the song has a pleasing melody and more of a ‘real song feel’ when placed alongside its predecessor.  This one proves that when Thrash Puppies remains focused it is capable of a serious work with solid musicianship (noting the edgy guitar work) and thoughtful lyrics:

You’ve got CD sound, 3-D and Sensurround
Newspaper horoscopes, lost and found
Political factions, nuclear reactions
They say you can fly but you’re chained to the ground
You got smiling politicians and third world strife
Microwave pizza, de facto wife
Minds are held in traction, wanna see some action
Show me the way to find the truth and the life

Back to punk like metal with “Fastest Song In The World”.  Yes, better fasten your seat belts in that you are in for an aptly entitled wild ride to see tumultuous drumming and intense riffing set a tone certain to turn the head of the most dedicated speed metal act (refrain at the end picks up in non-stop fashion).

Straight on hard rock of “God Don’t Make Junk” also reveals a serious Thrash Puppies side.  It maneuvers between verses handled by stark edged guitars and rapid-fire vocals in which lyrics can be difficult to follow (my thought this is intentional on the bands part) and a repeated ‘un-uh-nuh-uh-nuh-nu God don’t make junk!’ refrain you will struggle to rid of your mind with its catchiness.  A cool drum solo over inflated bass to lead the way instrumentally shows the guys are not a three cord and a cloud of dust garage band but adept musicianship wise.

What can you say about “Amy Grant Is My Sister”?  Apologetic?  Pretentious?  Or perhaps there is a method to the madness here.  Specifically, do not put Christian celebrities on a pedestal or unduly criticize them - ‘He’s listening to that Amy Grant bimbo’/And I said ‘Hey, back off buddy! Amy Grant is my sister!’ - because ultimately we are one Church body:

Jesus’ blood is thicker than water
Treat your sister like you oughta
Brothers, too, don’t treat them bad
Don’t you know it make him sad
Jesus died so we could be part of the one family
Jesus dies for you and me and He takes it very personally,

Musically, it is quite good as one of my album favorites with a bluesy to funk groove reminiscent to Max Blam Jam and Lovewar.

Yes, Thrash Puppies resides on the outer fringes of the Angelic Warlord style guidelines and accordingly some of the Unleashed material is not my cup of team.  That said if into metal imbued punk/wave with diversions into alternative, groove and even rap then I can see Thrash Puppies being yours.  If so and you overlooked Unleashed back in the day or are interested in a highly upgraded version then you can do no wrong with the well-executed Soundmass re-issue.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “Thrash Talk 1” (:50), “That T-Shirt Won’t Save You” (3:42), “Thrash Puppies” (4:30), “Take Me For A Spin Doctor” (4:33), “Fastest Song In The World” (2:59), “God Don’t Make Junk” (4:28), “Thrash Talk 2” (:40), “Thrash Talk 3” (:28), “Amy Grant Is My Sister” (4:41)

Slush - Lead Vocals & Guitars
Al - Guitars
Rug - Bass
Bubs - Drums


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