Reviews: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
True Strength - Sanguinary Vivification
Musical Style: Heavy Metal Produced By: Robert Sands
Record Label: Roxx Records Country Of Origin: USA
Year Released: 2019 Artist Website: True Strength
Tracks: 9 Rating: 85%
Running Time: 58:32

True Strength - Sanguinary Vivification

True Strength has stepped up its game with its third-full length album and second on Roxx Records, the spring of 2019 released Sanguinary Vivification.  A conceptual work with its title roughly translating to mean ‘the giving of life involving bloodshed’, Sanguinary Vivification centers around depicting the parallel between the ‘Prophecy of the Suffering Servant’ in the Book of Isaiah, and the life of Jesus Christ, and how He fulfilled the prophecy written nearly 700 years before His birth.  Lyrics to each song derive in this regard from actual scripture in the Book of Isaiah, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as well as the Book of Revelation.

True Strength was founded in 2012 by rhythm guitarist/songwriter Ryan "The Archangel" Darnell with the goal to be ‘a Christian metal band that honors God, spreads the Word of Jesus Christ and dedicates 100% of their music sales to charity’ (as noted in the groups press material).  Darnell and lead guitarist Josh Cirbo have remained the lone holdovers throughout the True Strength three-album career, which got its start in 2014 with the independently released The Cross Will Always Prevail that also featured vocalist Rus Gib and drummer Chris Clark.  On Roxx Records sophomore effort Steel Evangelist from three years later, Darnell took over lead vocals for the departed Gib, while Ryan Mey supplanted Clark on drums.

True Strength maintains its core unit of Darnell, Cirbo and Mey for Sanguinary Vivification but with talented newcomer George Tsalkis handling lead vocals.  Musically, it stays true to past efforts with a foundation of straightforward and traditional heavy metal while also pointing towards power metal (classic US variety with tinctures of the European form) and even the epic if not outright doom like.  The progressive aspect also remains a priority, as revealed in the True Strength technical songwriting abilities and affinity for lengthy material, noting how each of its albums has one ‘epic’ in excess of ten minutes and multiple cuts in the six to seven minute range, with Sanguinary Vivification proving no exception.

Opener “Immanuel” represents classic True Strength as one of those ‘six to seven minute’ cuts.  I find it compares favorable to Oracle’s “Passage Denied” (off Selah from 1992) with its up-tempo power metal lacings (noting the undisguised catchy hooks) and strategic double bass (further heightening energy levels).  It also upholds the True Strength penchant for instrumental aptitude, as found in Cirbo’s extended stretch of elevated lead guitar.  Lyric snippet:

Then spoke Isaiah the Prophet:
“Hear now, you house of David!
It's not enough to try the patience of man?
Will you also try the patience of God?
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son
And He will be called:

Follow up cut “Man Of Sorrows”, also in six to seven minute range, is one of a couple tracks here to break from the traditional and power metal mold with its melodic metal lacings.  Fluid guitar harmonies and piano play front to back roles, as Tsalkis stretches and exhibits the full breadth to his powerful but melodically tinged classic tenor voice.  With its ‘man of sorrows, give us Your victor over sin’ refrain, “Man Of Sorrows” ranks alongside albums best from its joining of equal parts full on emotion and melody.  Lyric snippet:

He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
And like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him,
Nothing in His appearance that we should desire
He was despised and rejected by mankind,
A Man of Suffering and familiar with pain.
Like one whom people hide their faces from
He was despised, we held Him in low esteem.

Approaching seven minutes is “Silent Before The Shearers”, an intricately woven traditional metal mauler to approach the mid-paced with its darker countenance.  Sophisticated guitar tinges - which convulse in and out of the mix - powers its length alongside periodic lower register backing vocals to lend further to the swarthy bent to manifest.  Despite the onerous setting, accessibility asserts, revealed in riff action of a near mesmerizing capacity and another emotionally driven refrain.  Lyric snippet:

After His arrest He was taken by night to the priest
A joke of a trial, He was sentenced to death
Hauled in by chains by soldiers who then mocked the Christ
They beat and flayed Him and crowned Him with thorns
Pontius Pilate could not find in Him one single crime
That would be deserving of a death on the Cross
The fact that Jesus was from Nazareth in Galilee
Pilate sent Him to King Herod to be judged

“His Blood Is On Us” maintains the classic metal bent but within a diverse form.  It encompasses how the song interchanged between moments both slower, of a doom-like (almost Gothic) principal interwoven with plodding bass, and those forward, to see fortitude explode at once (in dramatic fashion) as resounding guitars vehemently cut in.  Hammer on driven soloing carries things instrumentally.  Lyric snippet:

By oppression and judgment He was taken away.
Yet who of His generation protested?
For He was cut off from the land of the living;
For the transgression of my people He was punished.

Oh and the people cry-out: Crucify him!”
The same mouths that cried “hosanna” now shout: “Crucify him!”

“The Punishment That Brought Us Peace” embodies heavy metal of a straightforward nature.  The song storms from the get go to its signature line “Father forgive, father forgive them’ - to be emphatically repeated throughout – in driving through its no-nonsense verses laced with recoiling guitars and contrasting refrain descending into weightier territory to mirror the sober.  Things culminate as Tsalkis exclaims, ‘Jesus Crucified for our sin, by His stripes we are healed’.  Lyric snippet:

Holy Jesus Christ
Was conceived by the Spirit's light
Sinless in God's sight
Became sin for the sinners plight
Taken in the night
Sent to death, denied of rights
Jesus Crucified
For our Sin
By His stripes we are healed...

Hence, title to the next cut “By His Wounds We Are Healed”, which takes a similar musical stance in acting as an overt companion track.  With its mid-tempo means, the song emanates of a Maiden-esque vestige in terms of its galloping focal point (not to let up its length) and vocals to soar and resonate (of a powerful capacity).  No, this is by no means albums most engaging, but it does not back from the True Strength penchant for the authoritative either.  Lyric snippet:

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was on Him,
And by His wounds we are healed!
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to our own way;
And the Lord has lain upon Him
The iniquity of us all

Twelve-minute “A Grave Among The Rich & Wicked” rates with this reviewers favorites.  Musically, it reminds of “Starve The Fires Of Moloch”, the epic off debut The Cross Will Always Prevail, in personifying the haunting and mournful with its foundation of the progressive doom-like.  It is also one of the albums calmest and most laid back, as quietly done guitars and distant lead work set a front to back dramatic tone as Christ’s crucifixion portrays in poignant fashion.  Instrumental moments abound, including the ethereal first three minutes and another length stretch at the point that is also of an atmospheric nature.  Lyric snippet:

At the ninth hour, Jesus cried to the sky
"It is finished" bowed His head then He died
An earthquake struck the land and the tombs were now opened
The veil of the tabernacle was now torn in two
"Truly this man was the Son of God!"
The Centurion in charge confessed when he seen what he saw

A Grave among the Rich and the Wicked, where a sinless man lays
A Grave among the Rich and the Wicked, but only for three days

“Arisen Is The Suffering Servant” ensues in the fitting form of a power metal anthem.  Taking an all out speed if not European approach, the song lifts the worshipful elements on high as it speaks of the victorious with its excited riff action and triumphant double kick drum.  Classical elements reveal in the sublime Latin based refrain: ‘Sanctus! Sanctus! Dominus Deus! Hosanna in Excelsis!’  Lyric snippet:

The angel said to the women,
“Do not be afraid,
For I know that you are
Looking for Jesus,
He is not here; he has risen,
Just as he said He would.
Come and see the place where he lay.
Then go quickly and tell his friends.

Further playing up the worshipful is closer “Worthy Is The Lamb”.  It takes a similar up-tempo power metal form, merging an equal joining of driving mentality and expeditious tempo with symphonic choir vocals and another blinding lead guitar run from Cirbo.  Tying everything together is the unremitting catchiness to the ‘O Lamb of God! Worthy is the Lamb! O Lamb of God!  Jesus Christ is Lord!’ chorus.  Lyric snippet:

Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
And though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin,
He will see his seed and he shall prolong his days,
And the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.

Lamb of God!
You take away our sins!
O Lamb of God!
Worthy is the Lamb!

Production remains lone constructive area of note.  Overall feel is stripped down and raw without a great deal of polish, which while allowing the True Strength natural energy to rise to the surface, also reveals thinness in terms of how low end deserves a boost and rhythm guitars some beefing.  No, not a deal breaker - quality of music is too high - but production remains an area of improvement if True Strength is to compete with independent contemporaries Saint, Oblivion Myth and The Crimson Bridge Ministry of which it shares a musical affinity.

Best way to summarize would be to say that Sanguinary Vivification (both musically and lyrically) is a fantastic traditional meets power meets doom meets progressive metal album.  To say I am excited in regards to what I hear would be an understatement!  Tying everything together are strong performances from Darnell (top-notch songwriting), Cirbo (delivering the goods soloing wise) and Tsalikis (first-rate front man for the styles of metal performed).  Again, production could use some refinement, keeping in mind this is an area certain to round into form with time and experience.  In the end, fans of well-written and performed traditional/power metal will find a home in True Strength and its third album Sanguinary Vivification.

Review by Andrew Rockwell

Track Listing: “Immanuel” (6:40), “Man of Sorrows” (6:33), “Silent Before The Shearers” (6:46), ‘His Blood Is On Us” (5:08), “The Punishment That Brought Us Peace” (5:38), “By His Wounds We Are Healed” (4:49), “A Grave Among The Rich And Wicked” (12:24), “Arisen Is The Suffering Servant” (5:40), “Worthy Is The Lamb” (4:51)

George Tsalkis - Lead Vocals
Ryan "The Archangel" Darnell - Rhythm Guitar & Bass
Josh Cirbo - Lead Guitar
Ryan Mey - Drums


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